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The workforce state of mind in 2024
Workplace mental health

The workforce state of mind in 2024

Our 2024 report on workplace mental health shares new data exploring the latest trends in employee mental well-being.

The Headspace Team
Workplace mental health

The workforce state of mind in 2024

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Economic instability, political uncertainty, and rapid, and often tumultuous, changes in the workplace have meant that employees today are feeling stress from all angles. What’s the good news? Since 2020, there has been a drastic decrease in the stigma that surrounds mental health in the workplace. Many organizations are not only providing their employees with mental health benefits, but they’re also looking to further integrate a focus on well-being and resilience in their company culture.

In our sixth annual Workforce State of Mind report, we surveyed more than 2,000 employees, CEOs, and HR leaders to assess their perspectives on the state of mental health at work today. Our results showed how work stress is seeping into the personal lives of employees and how their relationships – with co-workers, managers, and leaders – play a significant role in their mental and emotional well-being. 

We know that companies today are interested in creating healthy, empowering workplaces that drive business results and support their teams. To this end, we identified five key trends in workplace mental health in 2024 and actionable tips leaders can implement today.

Here are five key insights from this year’s report:

1. Work stress has a significant impact on personal lives.

Nearly half (47%) of employees and two-thirds (66%) of CEOs say the majority of their stress or all of their stress comes from work, rather than from their personal lives. At the same time, work stress has surfaced in many ways in people’s personal lives, from poor physical health to breakups and divorces. 77% of employees say that work stress has negatively impacted their physical health, 75% say it caused them to gain weight, and 71% of employees say it caused a personal relationship to end.

To support employee mental health, employers should encourage behaviors that foster minimal work-life impact, whether it’s setting a work sign-off time or making it clear when team members are expected to be available and when there is flexibility. 

2. Positive relationships at work support employee mental health.

When asked how work has positively impacted their personal lives, more than half (53%) of employees say that it helped them find a community of people with similar backgrounds or lived experiences, and 44% say it helped them build connections and feel less lonely. Companies should lean into their programs that foster a sense of community among employees (such as Employee Resource Groups) and create opportunities for peer-to-peer and intergenerational mentorship and connection.

3. Managers play a critical role in fostering healthy workplaces – but they need more support.

As leaders whose role is to oversee and guide the work of their teams, managers have a unique impact on workplace mental health. In their survey responses, 43% of employees say their managers have negatively impacted them by lacking an understanding of life outside or work or by treating team members unequally. On the flip side, nearly 60% report that their manager positively impacted them by being flexible with work to accommodate personal issues, and more than half say their manager positively impacted them by providing mentorship for a professional issue. Leadership training and mental health-specific training can ensure managers are equipped to lead confidently and offer meaningful support when mental health challenges arise.

4. Trust is paramount when it comes to supporting employee mental health.

We’ve seen significant growth in the ways that leaders are creating trusted environments where employees can do what they need to support their own mental health. In 2024, a majority (89%) of employees say their leaders talk about their own mental health, compared to just 35% in 2020 – creating a growing culture of transparency and safety. 

Leader transparency and employee trust are especially critical given the state of the world and the impact that difficult global events can have on the workforce. Employers should consider stepping up their efforts and create mental health literacy campaigns that increase employee engagement in their benefits. 

5. Building employee mental resilience is key.

Given the continued instability both in workplaces and in the world as a whole, employees are facing more frequent challenges to their mental health. Less than a quarter of employees report they were able to simply move on after a major issue at work – meaning that work issues caused a disruption in productivity at best, and caused an employee to quit, at worst. Leaders are recognizing these challenges, too – 9 in 10 CEOs  say they’re concerned about employees having the mental strength to respond to changes. To support their teams, employers should invest in evidence-driven resources to improve mental resilience and build structures into the workplace that help them stay healthy and bounce back after tough times. 

For both employers and employees, there is now forward momentum around workplace mental health and the opportunity to instill a culture that is firmly rooted in positive relationships, leader transparency, and employee resilience and trust. To learn more key insights and actionable tips, read our 2024 Workforce State of Mind report.


About Headspace

Headspace is mental healthcare reimagined, delivering guided meditation, coaching, clinical care and work-life services. Interested in how Headspace can support you and your organization? Contact us here.

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