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The value of setting boundaries at work
Workplace wellbeing

The value of setting boundaries at work

Helping employees set and enforce boundaries at work can help to protect performance both at work and at home.

The Headspace Team
Workplace wellbeing

The value of setting boundaries at work

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Being a good employee and having workplace boundaries are not mutually exclusive. Work/life balance is growing increasingly tough to achieve – what with remote jobs (working from home, or living at work?) and technology keeping employees continually connected – but what does it look like if employees keep their commitment to both the hustle and the home? 

According to Headspace’s annual Workforce State of Mind report detailing trends in workplace mental health, 71% of employees have cited work stress as the catalyst for a relationship to end. We’re highlighting the ways implementing boundaries at work helps to encourage not only an enhanced on-the-job performance but also a better safeguard against work stress spilling into personal lives. 

Boundaries protect personal fulfillment – and work performance 

The way employees spend their personal time can help them bring their best selves back to the office. By encouraging employees to take part in hobbies, self-care practices, or relationship building that brings joy, employees can feel more fulfilled during their off-the-clock hours and better equipped for when it’s time to clock in.

Boundaries protect relationships

Research shows that good relationships keep people happier and healthier over the course of their lifetime. Nurturing relationships is a great way to improve mental health, but it’s all too common for work stress to take a toll on not only employees’ personal lives, but their bonds with loved ones, too. By setting boundaries to protect free time from work stress, you’re upholding your ability to be there for those you care about. 

Boundaries protect mental health 

Setting and enforcing boundaries gives people a better sense of control over their work/life balance, time, and happiness. Helping employees to communicate and enforce these boundaries – and ensuring leaders are modeling these behaviors themselves – can improve emotional resilience and allow individuals to devote more of themselves to what matters to them most. 

Interested in learning more about how Headspace can help your organization support employee mental health and reduce the effects of stress? Contact us here

The Headspace Team
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