Headspace Health is now Headspace, merging Ginger's clinical expertise with Headspace's meditations and mindfulness for comprehensive mental health care.
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Inside Sony Music’s commitment to culturally competent care
Workplace mental health

Inside Sony Music’s commitment to culturally competent care

Sony Music recognizes that when it comes to mental health, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

The Headspace Team
Workplace mental health

Inside Sony Music’s commitment to culturally competent care

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Sony Music understands the importance of culturally competent care and recognizes that when it comes to mental health, there truly is no one-size-fits-all solution. In fact, working with a provider who does not understand cultural dynamics or identity-specific intricacies can actually be counterproductive to the treatment process. As a result, employees are often left searching far and wide for support that meets their preferences and needs.

The gap between the national shortage of therapists and psychiatrists and the increasing demand for help often leads to long and frustrating wait times. Finding support is even more difficult when seeking a provider with a certain ethnic background or one specializing in specific issues. With Sony Music’s executives tuned in and supportive of the cause, the team knew they needed not only a systematic approach to addressing mental health for their employees, but also a robust mental health system in place to help do the work. 

A layered approach

With Headspace Care, Sony Music found a powerful digital model where employees have at their disposal four “layers” of mental healthcare support:

  • Clinically-validated care content that can be used in a self-directed manner.
  • Mental health coaching, which can help individuals address various life challenges, from stress management to healthy routines and effective communication.
  • Best-in-class therapy and psychiatry services when employees do require more acute mental health support.

“A lot of other mental health solutions were more focused on layering a bandaid on an existing problem,” Sony Music’s team commented. “With Headspace, mental health support is portable and quite literally meets employees wherever they are.” 

A commitment to culturally competent care

Regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or sexuality, no one should be searching under rocks for a mental health provider who understands their unique needs. Sony Music saw that Headspace had the most diverse practitioners in comparison to other vendors. Headspace’s clinicians are rigorously trained in culturally responsive care and our care team reflects the diversity of our client’s populations. With Headspace Care’s matching system, Sony Music’s employees report to have received culturally competent providers matched with their specific preferences in just a few minutes - something that had never before been the case. 

Addressing community needs in real-time

With Headspace Care, Sony Music has expanded its network of mental health experts. Headspace also continues to partner with Sony Music to drive further member engagement and foster both a healthy and productive workplace. With communications, promotions, topical podcasts, and workshops, Headspace helps employees make sense of an ever-changing climate. Sony’s team found themselves becoming increasingly reactive as they grappled with helping employees cope with things like election stress, grief, and social isolation. Headspace’s turnkey resources make it easier for Sony Music’s team to react nimbly and address their community’s needs in real-time. 

For a deeper dive on how Headspace is helping Sony employees have access to quality mental health services and culturally responsive care, read the full case study

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