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The real-world impact of meditation and mindfulness
Meditation and mindfulness

The real-world impact of meditation and mindfulness

Real-world evidence shows that Headspace’s meditation and mindfulness tools reduce perceived stress.

Christine Callahan, PhD
Meditation and mindfulness

The real-world impact of meditation and mindfulness

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It’s no surprise that stress levels in the United States are higher than ever – particularly as a result of economic uncertainty, global conflict, and political unrest. Many studies show that feelings or thoughts around stressful situations in our lives (i.e., perceived stress) can predict the quality of our mental health. 

The Real-World Impact of Stress

Stress isn't just tough on our minds – it also comes with economic costs. Research suggests that stress, particularly from work, can cost anywhere from $221 million to $187 billion in medical bills, lost workdays, burnout, and reduced productivity. According to Headspace’s fifth annual Workforce Attitudes Toward Mental Health report, 89% of employees surveyed report having felt moderate to extreme stress over the past 12 months, with nearly half (49%) saying they feel a sense of dread at least once a week. Given its impact on mental health and economic costs, it is imperative to find ways to manage stress in our daily lives. Digital mental health tools, like Headspace, have shown promise in reducing perceived stress. 

Headspace has published 60+ peer-reviewed studies on the efficacy of digital mindfulness and meditation tools, and we  are excited to add our first Real World Evidence study to Headspace’s arsenal of research. This month, we published the results of our first study of Headspace’s digital, guided mindfulness and meditation tools and their ability to reduce perceived stress based on real-world Headspace member data. 

Headspace Study Results

Building on our extensive body of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), this study analyzed real-world data from over 20,000 Headspace members with moderate or severe baseline stress who signed up for the app between March 2020 and January 2023. On average, results showed a 23.52% reduction in perceived stress scores. Members who engaged more frequently with the app had greater reductions in perceived stress. Specifically, engaging with Headspace every day of the week showed the most significant reduction in stress; however, data show a leveling off of perceived stress improvement at 4 active days per week, suggesting that using Headspace just 4 times a week can show a benefit.

Moreover, when comparing members who improved versus those who did not, higher engagement with Headspace was associated with a higher likelihood of improving perceived stress. Members who saw improvements in perceived stress had significantly more active days and sessions compared to those who did not see improvements.

Reducing Stress in Everyday Life

While the average American spends more than four hours on their phone each day, imagine if – instead of mindlessly scrolling – we used our phones to significantly reduce feelings of stress and anxiety – in less than an hour each week. This research indicates that regular engagement with Headspace is a key to experiencing the most significant benefits, and in turn, offers an accessible and cost-effective option for individuals seeking to alleviate stress in their daily lives. 

To learn more, read the full study here.

Interested in learning how Headspace can help your employees better manage stress and live happier, healthier lives? Contact us here.

Christine Callahan, PhD
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