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Interpersonal relationships can make or break workplace mental health
Workplace mental health

Interpersonal relationships can make or break workplace mental health

Today's workplaces have the opportunity to build community among employees, reducing loneliness and improving work culture.

The Headspace Team
Workplace mental health

Interpersonal relationships can make or break workplace mental health

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The Surgeon General, Vivek H. Murphy, has identified an “epidemic of loneliness” in the United States, a problem that has only intensified since the pandemic. And it’s not only an issue in America. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared loneliness to be a pressing global health threat. Nearly one in four people worldwide — more than a billion people — feel very or fairly lonely, according to a 2023 Meta-Gallup survey.

This loneliness epidemic appears to have significant economic and health consequences. According to the CDC, loneliness costs the U.S. economy an estimated $406 billion per year, and social isolation can increase the risk of dementia by 50%, heart disease by 29%, and stroke by 32%.

Potential good news in the workplace

There is some potential good news in these findings, and that good news is the opportunities that the workplace provides to reduce loneliness. As Headspace discovered in our “Workforce State of Mind” survey, 53% of workers say that their jobs have helped them find a community of people with similar backgrounds or lived experiences, and 44% said it helped them build connections and feel less lonely. 

Ensuring that people can build connections at work is more important than ever. Employers have a unique opportunity to foster a sense of community in the workplace, and our research shows that employees see that as a major benefit of work.  

Despite a shift to remote work for many, people continue to see the workplace as a source of community and connection, whether they’re interacting with their co-workers face to face or online. 

This viewpoint is true across generations. Workers in every generation report that the number one positive impact from work is community. This creates a huge opportunity for organizations to better support employee mental health and reduce loneliness and its downstream effects. 

How can you make sure your workplace creates the opportunity for connection? 

Invest in Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) 

ERGs can create a safe space for employees to connect with individuals of similar backgrounds and lived experiences and can also be a source of knowledge and leadership to build a more inclusive, equitable workplace. They also create opportunities to hold events and foster dialogue where people can share their lived experiences in the workplace. 

Create time for personal connection 

Consider using time during the workday to help employees bond, whether that be at the beginning of meetings or during lunch. For remote companies, virtual “coffee meet-ups” with new people or Slack channels for different interests (i.e., pets, music, food, or travel) can help employees get to know the person behind the face they see on their screen. In-person or virtual “offsites” can also help teams to connect on a more personal level and build connections that foster deeper collaboration. 

Encourage peer-to-peer and/or intergenerational mentorship 

Our data shows that different generations of workers have more in common than we think. Given that all generations feel similarly about how work positively impacts their lives, provide employees with an opportunity to connect and learn from one another, fostering opportunities for community and professional development. Managers and organizational leaders can enable mentorship by connecting employees or pointing them in the direction of a colleague who is open to mentoring and has beneficial, shareable skills

For more insight into the state of employee mental health, download the full “Workforce State of Mind” report today.

Headspace offers mental healthcare for every moment through guided meditations, coaching, therapy, psychiatry services, leadership training, and EAP services. Contact us to discover how Headspace can support your managers and employees.

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