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Fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace through mental health

Fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace through mental health

Incorporating mental health into your organization's DEIB strategy can drive meaningful change for employees and organizations.

The Headspace Team

Fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace through mental health

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In the last year, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) programs have lost some momentum with cutbacks to DEIB teams, less leadership support around DEIB efforts, and rising misinformation around the purpose of DEIB. Despite these challenges, a majority of employed Americans believe the focus on making their workplace more diverse, equitable, and inclusive is a good thing. What’s more, in Headspace’s annual report on workforce trends, 54% of employees said their employer’s DEIB policy has a positive impact on their mental health.

In our guide “Making Mental Health a Part of Your DEIB Strategy,” we look at the intersection between mental health benefits and DEIB initiatives and share how investing in both can drive meaningful, lasting change for employees and organizations – and society as a whole.

Get a better understanding of your employee population

A mental health benefits partner can help HR leaders better understand their employee population and take advantage of the variety of data they have readily available. By working together, they can partner to understand the company's levels of productivity and absenteeism, feedback from employees or employee resource groups, and more. All of this information provides critical insights about a company’s employees and the challenges they may be facing.

Meet employees where they are

Providing access to mental healthcare is one way companies can ensure employees feel supported as they navigate the unique challenges they face and lay the groundwork for culture change within the organization. As an end-to-end mental health platform, Headspace provides a variety of strategies and tools to foster a more supportive and resilient workplace. Content like our Black Joy Collection and Pride collection, and resources for ERGs and culturally responsive organizational support, for example, ensure that a company is supported at the individual, team, and organizational levels.

Invest in culturally responsive care

Investing in culturally responsive mental healthcare services can contribute to the success of DEIB initiatives by ensuring that underrepresented communities in the workplace are getting high quality, personalized care. Culturally responsive mental healthcare can work in tandem with a company’s DEIB program by giving employees access to providers from different cultural backgrounds and identities, who understand that identity and lived experience influence their needs. This care, in turn, helps to deliver better experiences and outcomes for all employees.

Create safe spaces

Creating safe spaces for employees to open up about their individual and collective experiences is essential to both a successful DEIB strategy and employee mental health strategy. Safe spaces help to create a supportive environment for members of specific communities and build trust and accountability among employees and their leadership teams. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), internal employee-led groups based on shared identities or interests, can help facilitate safe spaces and promote inclusivity. 

Leverage mental health resources and tools

HR leaders are often the first stop on an employee’s journey to getting the support they need, whether it’s for a negative experience they’ve had as an employee or for guidance around their benefits and other related issues. Mental health benefits partners can serve as an external resource to help an organization’s employees navigate the challenges they’re going through, as well as to support HR leaders as they navigate situations that can be complex and stressful. 

When it comes to an organization’s DEIB strategy, mental health benefits can help HR leaders create meaningful, lasting change for their workforce. 

Headspace is designed to compassionately connect with every individual regardless of their identity through self-guided mindfulness content and culturally responsive care services that include text-based coaching, therapy, and psychiatry. As an organization, our DEIB priorities include ensuring responsive and relevant content, accessibility, a care team from different cultural backgrounds and identities, and support for marginalized communities. To learn more about how Headspace can support your organization, contact us here.

The Headspace Team
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