Headspace Health is now Headspace, merging Ginger's clinical expertise with Headspace's meditations and mindfulness for comprehensive mental health care.
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Embracing the power of preventative mental healthcare
Workplace mental health

Embracing the power of preventative mental healthcare

We need to treat mental health support the same way we approach physical health, by moving upstream and providing self-guided resources, mental health coaching, and peer support.

Jason Richmond, Vice President, Sales Solutions, Headspace
Workplace mental health

Embracing the power of preventative mental healthcare

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In its 2023 “State of Mental Health in America” report, Mental Health America uncovered some discouraging statistics: 

  • An estimated 50 million Americans were grappling with a mental illness.
  • Of Americans with a substance abuse disorder, 93.5% said they were not receiving treatment. 
  • Over half of adults with a mental illness do not receive treatment. 

It’s hard to find good news in this dark cloud of statistics, but the one silver lining is the fact that we’re talking about mental health more than ever before — in these surveys, in this blog post, and in our workplaces. The transition of mental health from a subject discussed only behind closed doors to one spoken about publicly has been a healthy transformation. 

There’s a clear path forward

But there’s still work to be done. As someone who has been a part of the mental health care delivery system for the past 25+ years, I’ve had a front row seat to both our failures and successes.  And while it has at times been a struggle to position mental health as a priority, I firmly believe there’s a path forward to ensuring those in need of mental healthcare receive it. The way we as a society  have changed our approach to physical health provides a roadmap for how we can treat mental health differently moving forward. 

In the past, we tended to address our physical health only when there was a crisis, ranging from a rash to back pain. Now, our healthcare system emphasizes wellness and preventative care — eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep. In short, we have moved the healthcare of our bodies upstream. 

The power of preventative care

In order to address the mounting mental health crisis, we must embrace preventative mental healthcare and move upstream. In the ways we approach mental health problems like anxiety, addiction, and depression, we need to expand the reach of mental health services to include a subclinical level of care, so that we don’t only address mental health with a therapist after a crisis occurs. 

The preventative mindset for mental health could include the following practices:

With these subclinical levels of intervention, we can address mental health problems prior to symptom development. These activities can prevent symptoms from occurring at all, or they can build our resilience, so that when symptoms do arise we are better equipped to manage them.

The crucial role of the workplace

Moving toward a preventative approach will require a shift in our mindset. Many employers have been pioneers in this area. Businesses and other organizations have a vested interest in their workforce being healthy and resilient, because the results tend to be higher work attendance and improved productivity. 

By encouraging this preventative thinking and offering the tools to support the adoption of healthier behaviors, employers can have a huge impact on bringing this mindset into reality.

We must rethink the mental health system

In addition to adopting a preventative mindset, we must commit to developing a mental health system that supports people across the continuum of care. Historically, the entry point to mental health support was visiting a therapist. This focus led to the current situation, where the demand for mental health treatment outpaces the available therapists. The solution requires a shift to a preventative system that includes self-guided tools and resources that people can use to embrace an emotionally healthy lifestyle — long before any symptoms arise (if they ever do).   

The role of mental health coaches and peer-support programs

A preventative care system should also include mental health coaches, who can help people who may not require a therapist but need support in setting mental health goals and working to achieve them. Mental health coaches take an action-oriented approach to care, helping members address professional and personal challenges with stress management techniques, healthy routines, and communication strategies. Mental health coaching focuses on the present and the future and is intended to help members set and achieve goals.

Additionally, peer-support programs, like employee resource groups (ERGs), can help people connect with groups of others who have shared interests or issues. Social connectedness plays a major role in our overall sense of wellbeing, and in a world that is increasingly disintermediated by social media, video games and virtual reality, we should not be surprised that on top of everything else, we are in the midst of a loneliness epidemic where 22% of American adults say they feel socially isolated, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey. 

This is doable

Mental health coaching, meditation, peer-support groups, and the other services I’ve mentioned work to extend the reach of the mental system beyond those who are in crisis mode and before a person requires a therapist. This preventative approach, modeled after our physical health care approach, broadens the options that people have to receive meaningful support and guidance — without burdening the already fragile clinical system that exists today.

At Headspace, we believe this kind of preventative care is best served in a single, end-to-end mental health offering that enables everyone who needs it — from those who require self-guided support to those who are facing an acute challenge — can have immediate and easy access to the mental health care that will address their unique challenges. Learn more about how Headspace can provide your organization with mental healthcare, such as guided meditation, coaching, clinical care, and work-life services, that meets your team’s needs. 

Jason Richmond, Vice President, Sales Solutions, Headspace
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