Headspace Health is now Headspace, merging Ginger's clinical expertise with Headspace's meditations and mindfulness for comprehensive mental health care.
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Choosing a workplace mental health solution that delivers value
Workplace mental health

Choosing a workplace mental health solution that delivers value

It’s crucial to invest in an offering that provides comprehensive, multi-layered support to ensure the success of your investment. 

The Headspace Team
Workplace mental health

Choosing a workplace mental health solution that delivers value

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In recent years, many companies have incorporated mental health offerings into their benefit packages because they see how addressing and improving employee mental health is crucial to creating stronger teams, cultivating a more supportive culture, and improving business outcomes on a larger, collective scale. With the abundance of mental healthcare options on the market, benefits buyers are seeking a solution that addresses their employees’ wide-ranging and continuous mental health needs – and demonstrates clear return on investment.

In our guide “Investing in Workplace Mental Health Support: A Buyer's Guide," we share how choosing the right mental health solution can be a game-changer, drastically improving employee engagement, access to care, health outcomes, and company culture. Whether you’re looking to replace or supplement your Employee Assistance Program (EAP), it’s crucial to invest in an offering that addresses mental health proactively and provides the comprehensive, multi-layered support to ensure the success of your investment. 

Multi-layered mental health support for you and your employees

Your employees should be able to access the right level of mental healthcare they need at any given moment. Here are some key considerations for buyers when choosing a mental health solution:

1. Provides a full spectrum of care

Mental health needs are fluid and ever-changing. Through a team-based care model, Headspace creates a personalized care plan for each member utilizing multiple modalities, including coaching, therapy, psychiatry, work/life services, and skill building resources.

2. Offers fast and easy access to quality providers

An effective virtual mental health offering provides a positive user experience immediately, at the moment someone wants and needs it, allowing members to go through a streamlined onboarding process and access care through phone, app, video, and chat, in addition to in-person treatment. 

3. Drives meaningful member engagement

Benefits leaders should have access to resources that help to normalize mental health, destigmatize seeking help, and foster member engagement and satisfaction. As part of our EAP offering, Headspace Culture provides a best-in-class suite of services that encourages and supports mental well-being in the workplace.

4. Catalyzes positive culture change

Buyers should consider a mental health solution that invests in leadership training and supports a company culture of good mental health. Offerings like manager consultations, workplace webinars, and critical incident support are necessary to build a supportive, healthy workplace. 

5. Leverages measurement-based care

Mental health benefits should provide measurement-based care, so that providers can continuously measure and follow up on care, with options to escalate and deescalate care when needed. 

6. Meet the needs of the entire employee population

A quality mental health provider should be able to provide personalized, evidence-backed support to your entire employee population, regardless of their race, ethnicity, age, or geographic location. 

7. Increase visibility into work-life services

A mental health solution should provide ongoing support and education around available work-life services, including elder care, child care, financial and legal support.   

8. A positive vendor-client relationship

From an implementation timeline to regular meetings on well-being strategy, a robust mental health partner should offer you a seamless experience in launching and integrating your new benefits.

Take Action

Headspace is a globally-beloved mental health brand that reduces stigma, drives engagement, and opens a wider door to support. By partnering with Headspace, your organization will have access to the only proactive system to support mental health continuously and see outcomes that clearly demonstrate the value of your investment.

To learn more about investing in workplace mental health, download our 2024 buyer’s guide now.

The Headspace Team
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