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Fostering Intentional Mental Wellness During the Holiday Season
Workplace wellbeing

Fostering Intentional Mental Wellness During the Holiday Season

Employers can help support employee mental well-being during the holidays.

Taneasha E. Evans, LCSW
Workplace wellbeing

Employers can help support employee mental well-being during the holidays.

Fostering Intentional Mental Wellness During the Holiday Season

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The holiday season is traditionally a time of joy and unity, bringing together family, friends, and communities. However, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the pervasive sense of loss and change, which may alter how we experience these times. For many, this season can carry the weight of grief, stress, and memories that may trigger depression, isolation, and loneliness.

Employers and businesses can play a helpful role in addressing these challenges among employees. Here’s how organizations can support their employees and customers in navigating the holiday season with intentional mental wellness:

1. Acknowledge and Support Emotional Wellness.

Recognize that the holiday season may bring a mix of emotions. Promote an environment where feelings are acknowledged and supported. Encourage the use of professional support services like counseling or coaching to process complex emotions.

2. Intentionality in Planning.

Whether it's a company holiday-centric engagement or company-wide time off, make holiday plans with intent. Ensure your employees have clear expectations for holiday hours and offer suggestions for personal time that align with the community. Similarly, communicate with customers about how your services might adapt during the holidays.

3. Cultivate New Traditions.

Consider making new memories.  Encourage the creation of new traditions within your organization and beyond. Innovate ways to celebrate that can include your full employee base, regardless of what holidays they celebrate. Or, consider asking employees to share with their teams what traditions they have for this season – this can create a sense of community and build connections amongst teams. 

4. Promote Healthy Coping Strategies.

Seek healthy coping skills of learning to set boundaries at gatherings to help employees enjoy get-togethers, instead of facing them as an obligation. Make it clear that holiday activities are completely optional, and employees are not required to participate, especially if the activities don’t align with their views – like decorating Christmas trees or giving gifts. Provide resources and training on topics like inclusion, cultural awareness, and boundary-setting to empower your team.

5. Community Service and Engagement.

Knowing that this time of year can be especially difficult for some communities, it is a great time to align your organization with community service opportunities. Encourage employees to volunteer and consider how your business can support initiatives that assist those in need during the holidays, perhaps through donation matching, company-wide initiatives, or days where teams can volunteer together. Nothing makes a holiday seem more hopeful than helping others.  

6. Embrace Diverse Celebrations.

Recognize not everyone celebrates the same holiday during the time of year. It’s one of the great things about this time of year – so many people have different backgrounds and celebrations. Employers can use this time to educate and celebrate different traditions within the workforce, fostering inclusivity. Consider partnering with your Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) on ways to share information about different holidays, and how all employees can respect and celebrate different communities.

As we approach the holiday season, let’s consider how to make it a time of wellness, connection, and meaning for everyone. With a few intentional steps, you can help your employees feel connected and cherished.  

Wishing everyone a season filled with intention, community, and joy.

Taneasha E. Evans, LCSW
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