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A Turn of the Tide: Employee Mental Health in 2023
Workplace mental health

A Turn of the Tide: Employee Mental Health in 2023

The Headspace Team
Workplace mental health

A Turn of the Tide: Employee Mental Health in 2023

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The world of workplace mental health has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, and our Fifth Annual Workforce Attitudes on Mental Health report reflects on this journey. In 2023, we're at a turning point, where employee mental health is not just acknowledged, but actively prioritized.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced organizations and HR leaders to adapt rapidly, embracing remote work and exploring new ways to support their employees' mental health. The results are in, and the findings are overwhelmingly positive: CEOs and employees now overwhelmingly agree that strong mental health leads to better work outcomes. CEOs themselves are also actively utilizing mental health benefits, experiencing a positive impact both inside and outside the workplace.

"There's no more important action today's CEOs can take than investing in the mental health of their teams. It's not only the right thing to do, but it's also beneficial to the bottom line." - Russell Glass, CEO, Headspace

However, this changing landscape comes with its own set of challenges. The tumultuous state of the world in 2023, marked by economic uncertainty, global conflicts, and disparities affecting marginalized communities, is impacting employees' mental health at work. Layoffs and financial stress are taking their toll, with HR teams bearing the weight of providing emotional support while fulfilling their work responsibilities.

We surveyed CEOs, HR leaders, and employees about their thoughts on the state of mental health at work. Here’s what we found:

1. Instability, Productivity Pressure, and Rising Expectations Drive Workplace Dread

87% of employees report feeling a sense of dread at least once a month, with almost half experiencing it weekly. This sense of dread is even more pronounced among leaders, with 55% of executive-level employees and 59% of CEOs feeling it weekly.

Survey respondents point to rising expectations and a lack of stability as the main drivers of this dread. Layoffs have resulted in increased workloads and emotional strain on employees, while managers play a pivotal role in employees' mental health. Managers who respect working hours and create sustainable workloads have a positive impact on mental health.

2. DEIB Efforts Benefit the Entire Workforce

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives are proving to be transformative. More than half of employees (54%) believe their employer's DEIB policy positively impacts their mental health. This holds true across all employee groups, underscoring the importance of addressing the intersectionality of mental health.

We also know traumatic events in the news may impact someone’s mental health and their ability to fully show up for work, based on their identity and lived experience. With 97% of employees saying global events, like war, economic uncertainty, and acts of violence impact their mental health at work, DEIB efforts can better equip organizations to respond to global events and provide employee support.

3. Check in on your HR Leaders

HR teams are facing increasing pressure to support employees amid constant change, layoffs, and evolving workplace dynamics. HR leaders report the biggest drivers of dread at work are burnout from emotional caregiving for employees (36%) and feeling overwhelmed by the expectations to take on more job responsibilities (36%). 

Only 41% of HR leaders use mental health benefits regularly, compared to 64% of CEOs and 73% of

Employees. HR leaders are having a hard time supporting their own mental health when they’re shouldering the burden of encouraging mental health for employees.

4.The CEO Challenge: Balancing Positivity and Transparency

CEOs are navigating challenges like economic uncertainty while striving to maintain a positive attitude – but this may create a disconnect with employees. 75% of employees worry that their company will cut back on mental health support if a recession hits, highlighting the need for transparency and assurance. Yet, In fact, 64% of CEOs say they would increase mental health benefits in

a recession. CEOs overwhelmingly see the value of mentally healthy workplaces.

What’s more 49% of CEOs feel that when communicating with employees, it’s most important to be positive for the team, whereas only 33% of CEOs feel that it’s important to tell employees the truth when it may be hard to hear. CEOs are challenged to ensure they’re leading with authenticity, while also inspiring hope. 

5. Closing the Gap Between CEO and Employee Sentiments

We've made strides in aligning CEO and employee perceptions of mental health support. CEOs are increasingly discussing mental health, modeling positive behaviors, and utilizing mental health benefits. In fact, 91% of CEOs and 89% of employees agree that their company sufficiently supports the mental health of its employees compared to 94% and 67% (respectively) in 2022. 

Beyond just talking the talk, CEOs are also beginning to walk the walk. 92% of CEOs say they model best practices of how to care for mental health to their employees, and 64% regularly take advantage of mental health benefits.

Looking Ahead

The future holds promise as workplaces become more open to discussing mental health and leaders model positive behaviors. Yet, we must remain attuned to the challenges of today's uncertain world. By addressing these new challenges and continuing to prioritize mental health, organizations can become beacons of inspiration, productivity, and joy.

Interested in learning about the steps leaders can take to address these trends and improve mental health at work? Read the full report here.

The Headspace Team
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