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How Duval County Public Schools removes barriers of cost and availability for quality mental healthcare
Workplace mental health

How Duval County Public Schools removes barriers of cost and availability for quality mental healthcare

DCPS partnered with Headspace to provide teachers and staff with affordable access to qualified mental healthcare professionals.

The Headspace Team
Workplace mental health

How Duval County Public Schools removes barriers of cost and availability for quality mental healthcare

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Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) is the 20th largest school district in the U.S., serving more than 130,000 elementary, middle, and high school students in the Jacksonville, Florida area. The district’s 12,000+ teachers and staff are driven by a shared mission of inspiring students and preparing them for success in adult life.

Educators have a unique set of mental health challenges, as they must help their students navigate the ups and downs of life while simultaneously managing their own well-being. By monitoring mental health indicators such as medical claims data, Jackie Watkins, Executive Director of Employee Services & Risk Management at DCPS, noted an increase of behavioral health diagnoses among employees, as more individuals were seeking mental healthcare.

“Mental health is like a soundtrack” 

DCPS needed to find a way to provide teachers and staff with affordable access to qualified mental healthcare professionals, but as a public organization, funding was limited. Access was, too: Despite the clear need for mental healthcare, Florida is one of the lowest-ranking states in terms of available care providers.

In 2022, DCPS secured a federal grant designated to support employee mental health. Using those funds, DCPS partnered with Headspace to deploy Headspace Care, a suite of convenient and confidential mental health services for employees, at no cost to them. With Headspace Care, DCPS employees get access to therapy and psychiatry with on-demand coaching and meditation through one seamless and human-centered experience. 

“I like to think of mental health as a soundtrack, because life can be like a soundtrack,” says Watkins. “There are ups and downs. You can have happy moments and sad moments, and not every person needs clinical support at all times. That’s why the Headspace model is so beneficial to us, because the team-based care delivers the right care at the right time.” 

Communications strategies that work

The DCPS Employee Wellness Team has delivered a strategic communications plan, which has driven program engagement and enrollment across the organization.

  1. DCPS has integrated mental wellness education into the workplace by scheduling monthly “Motivational Monday” and “Wellness Wednesday” events to highlight pertinent topics in mental health and self-care.
  2. In partnership with Headspace, DCPS has hosted workshops that demonstrate the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.
  3. DCPS also utilized strategic "Reach the Teacher" communications campaigns to intentionally promote these mental health resources and offer a variety of workshops and online training to keep these benefits top of mind.

The impact of reducing stigma

Bolstered by Headspace’s brand recognition, the DCPS communications strategy has helped to reduce the stigma of accessing mental health resources. 

“The branding of Headspace has absolutely been our way of destigmatizing the mental health benefit.” — Jackie Watkins, Executive Director of Employee Services & Risk Management

​​DCPS’s investment in mental health programs has dramatically boosted awareness and access to care from qualified professionals. By reducing the financial and accessibility barriers, as well as the stigma associated with mental health, employees feel empowered to take charge of their well-being in and outside of the workplace. 

  • 4.8 average clinician rating out of 5 stars
  • 86% of members with moderate or severe depression at intake had improved symptoms after care.
  • 83% of members with moderate or severe anxiety at intake had improved symptoms after care.
  • 81% of employees have returned to use the Headspace Care app.

For a deeper dive on how Headspace is helping educators and staff manage everyday stress, prevent burnout, foster meaningful relationships, and inspire students to be the best they can be, read the full case study.

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